Atlas Publications produces several unusual books for homesteaders
and others interested in learning how to farm giant freshwater American or
Australian crayfish-on a small or large scale, or how to build and/or install an Atlas
Ram Pump and how one works.
The books listed below are available directly from the
All About Hydraulic Ram Pumps
Atlas Ram Parts
Crayfish Farming
Red Claw Crayfish Farming
The Original!
Hydraulic Ram Pumps
How and Where They Work
NOW in E-book form
The ram pump, or water ram, is a very useful 'old-tech' device that has been around
for many years and is as useful today as ever. It can pump water from a flowing
source of water to a point ABOVE that source with no power requirement other than
the force of gravity. Invented before electric water pumps, this rugged, simple and
reliable device works continuously with only 2 moving parts and very little maintenence.
Typically installed at remote homestead sites for domestic water supply, emergency survival 'bugout locations',
prepper gardens,fish ponds and livestock. Because it uses no power,
a ram pump can be used where water would normally not be used and would flow on downstream, wasted.
This new E-book is self-published by me (Don Wilson) like the original book first printed over 25 years ago.
Over the years the cost of printing and mailing books has gone 'way up. I decided the time had come for an E-book version.
This brings the price down quite a bit, and also allows people outside the U.S. access to this information.
This is all personally produced at home by me and is in an industry standard PDF file; no gimmicks or malicious code.
The Atlas Ram e-book explains in simple terms and with illustrations and color photos how the ram pump works.
The second section of the book gives step-by-step plans for building a fully operational Atlas Ram Pump
from readily available plumbing fittings, and which requires NO welding, drilling, tapping or special
tools to fabricate. The last section shows where and how the Atlas Ram Pump can be set up, and how to keep it going.
More about this new E-book, as well as some sample pages
Atlas Ram Pump E-Book
More about the Atlas Ram Construction Ram Page
(e-book) Got it - It printed beautifully. It will be a great addition to our Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation resource library.
Thanks! Elaine Vidal, Energy and Water Programs, Northwest Energy Education Institute, Lane Community College http://www.nweei.org/
Reviewer: jtgookin@nols.edu from Lander, Wyoming: "A great little book!!!
I have built and bought hydraulic ram pumps. I have bought the books from England,
called ram builders all over the US, and searched the net. Don Wilson's book has
the clearest directions I have seen."
From: e.j. samson (bigbear128@juno.com)
Hi again. I thought I would let you know how I made out with your
ram pump plans....as you can see-GREAT! I was skeptical at first; didn't
see how it could work. After hooking it all up, we are pumping water
125 ft. high and over 400 ft. away.. not a lot of water, but enough:
around 12 to 15 gallons an hour! Thanks again! Sincerely, Ernie Samson.
Reviewer: Jimmy Martin, Williamson, NY:
"I received your book today and immediately read it from cover to cover.
As a manufacturing engineer for over 30 years, I have been keenly interested
in finding information on the Hydraulic Ram Pump.
I would like to thank you for your very informative book. It is well written,
very well illustrated...and the best investment I have made in years!"
From: Carol Bushar (amoriluz@gmail.com)
Dear Mr. Don Wilson, Thank you so much for your excellent Atlas hydraulic ram pump design!
I believe that Gray Harrower contacted you from Wisconsin last year to secure a part of your design
to help his daughter install a system in Chile. Well, we would like to extend our personal thanks
and to let you know that all was a success! We have been enjoying freshly pumped spring water in
our home in southern Chile since the installation in January and really can not say enough about
how much this system has changed our lives.
Please enjoy the photos of our installation process from my picasa web album:
Southern Chile Installation
We still have much to learn and reference your book on a regular basis to any and all visitors curious
about our pump. Our next plans are to open more source points to help our cistern fill and stay filled,
just as your book advises.
You can buy this E-book online with PayPal. Only $4.00 USD - Instant delivery!! Read all about it.
Click here to read more about the New Atlas Ram E-Book
Atlas Ram E-Book
description and ordering

Small Scale Crayfish Farming for food and profit
(ISBN 0-9631526-1-0)
This useful book--a bare bones, how to manual--explores how to raise crayfish in a small scale in a
country setting. It is a surprisingly complete (for its size) factual compilation of
years of University and industry research as well as individual findings on the culture
of freshwater crayfish. It is well known that farmed crayfish will grow to a much larger size
than the wild ones, and much more rapidly, if given optimum conditions. These conditions are
easily reached, and are much less strict than most aquaculture species. Prepared in a number
of tasty ways, freshwater crayfish are highly regarded as a delicacy both here and abroad.
They are similar to lobster and shrimp in taste and texture, and are an excellent source of
high quality, low-fat protein. Targeting the small farmer or backyard hobbyist, this book outlines
specific guidelines for pond construction and efficiency, food and environmental needs, tank culture,
sources of supply Crayfish Suppliers, egg & juvenile production for
stocking, processing & sale...of the best species of freshwater crayfish for aquaculture in all areas
of the US.
Here are two of the most popular varieties for culture. Both grow
to over 1 oz. in weight in one growing season, under optimum conditions of temperature,
aeration, density, turbidity and feeding. All easily reached conditions!
More about this book and crayfish farming here:
Crayfish Farming
from 'BACKWOODS HOME MAGAZINE' by Dave Duffy, editor: "This is a small but
useful book..a bare bones 'how-to' manual on how to raise crayfish in a small country
setting. Wilson is a clear, informative writer, and this book is in that vein..short
and to the point. No fluff. I like it a lot."
From 'WHOLE EARTH REVIEW' by Kevin Kelly, editor: "Crayfish look and taste like
small lobsters, but can be grown in a back lot pond. They can be raised anywhere in the
48 states, and thrive on almost any kind of feed. They require only a shallow pool of
fresh water, are self-replenishing and easily caught. There is backyard gourmet protein
for homesteaders here. This self-published how-to booklet will guide your crustacean
Only $12.00 USD, (NO INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS)includes shipping
Use a check / Money Order
BUY NOW online with PayPal--usually ships in 48 hrs.
RED CLAW! Raising the Giant Australian Crayfish..
(ISBN 0-9631526-3-7)
The Red Claw crayfish is a new and very promising aquaculture species. The Red Claw is
very similar to the native American species, except that it grows to a HUGE size--almost
to that of a lobster! There are several other notable differences, such as year-round
breeding, awesome fecundity... often over 700 eggs per breeder! They also have a
non-aggressive nature, which allows many more Red Claw crayfish to live happily in a
given space than would the native American crayfish. This book is one of the few
sources for complete information on all aspects of the culture of this lobster sized
freshwater crayfish. Compiled from leading edge research direct from Australia as well
as individual and University findings from all over the U.S.,this book dispels the
hype and furnishes the facts about this little known but highly prized new
aquaculture species. Fish farmers have managed to become major players in this
bottomless market in only a couple of years. Small scale family run operations are
harvesting 'short lobsters' in less than a year, and the startup costs are relatively
low. There are not many Red Claw crayfish reference books, and this book packs all the
info you may need into a small price. Included in the book are photos from down under,
food and feeding regimens needed to raise the Red Claw to giant size, well managed pond
and tank factors, hatching and juvenile production, stocking methods, sources of supply
--Redclaw and Crayfish Suppliers. -- processing & sales
tips, and marketing recommendations.
More about this book and
Red Claw Crayfish here:
Red Claw Crayfish Farming
From 'AQUACULTURE MAGAZINE' by James W. Avault Jr.,
book review editor: "This book is compiled from information from David O'Sullivan
of the University of Tasmania, David Rouse of Auburn University, and several private
companies growing Red Claw in America and Australia.
It is developed as a manual for the crayfish farmer. It covers all of the important
topics a beginning farmer would need to know.
This book is easy to read and should be a help to anyone who wants a book of Red Claw
aquaculture in a condensed version. David O'Sullivan and David Rouse are highly
respected researchers of Red Claw."
Reviewer: Charles Showalter (charles@redclaw.com) from Pittsburgh, Penn.
"First off, I would like to thank the author for writing this book on Red Claw Culture
and especially for including the section on information resources.
The book was able to bring a lot of great information together, and presented it in a
manner that made the average 'water farmer' comfortable with Red Claw production. This
must not have been an easy task, considering the lack of available information.
After reading the book I decided to dig deeper and became excited with the possibilities. The book was correct
in stating that this industry is in it's infancy and quite likely will grow fast.
I now operate the Red Claw Crayfish Hatchery in Pittsburgh and have a very successful
web site. And this book got me started!"
Only $12.00 includes shipping, NO INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS.
Use a check / Money Order
BUY NOW online with PayPal--generally ships in 48 hrs.
To place an order for any of these books,
either use the PayPal buttons, OR
send check or
MO for $ 12.00 (includes shipping) per book to:
(please indicate which book) These books are only available in the United
States, sorry no books will be shipped to international address.
Atlas Publications
Kenneth Spruce CEO
216 Soaring Eagle Dr.
Murphy, N.C. 28906-5729

E-mail us if you have any questions kaspruce@aol.com
© 2012 Atlas Publications

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